+ What time is service?
Service is at 9:30 am on Sundays. Youth service is at 6:30 pm on Wednesday for Junior HIgh and High School students.
+ Do I have to wear a mask?
Masks are not required, but we do recommend that you wear them while entering and exiting the sanctuary.
+ How do I give?
You can give in person on Sundays via our offerings stands or kiosk, you can visit www.pathpointfellowship.com/give , you can give with our mobile app, and you can give by texting "GIVE" to (806) 482-1282
+ When is your next Baptism Service?
At the moment we are not holding babtisms due to CDC guidlines. When baptisms resume we will post on social media and our website at www.pathpointfellowship.com/baptism
+ What security is there for my child at PFC kids?
At PFC security for our kids is #1. We have a secure check in and out system for our kids, exstinsive security camera coverage in our kids area, and indepth background checks for all of our teachers and volunteers.
+ What special events are coming up?
Our special events are always changing and updating. The best way to stay up-to-date is by following our social media and checking out www.pathpointfellowship.com/events
+ What is "Membership" at PFC?
Membership is a time to learn more about PFC. It includes free child care, a free meal, and an indepth discussion with all the departments about what our goals are and how you can help.
+ How do I talk to a Pastor about a wedding/funneral/event
If you are needing a prayer request, please check out www.pathpointfellowship.com/prayer-request. If you are needing to talk to a Pastor about anything else, please feel free to reach out to us via social media, or email us at kpaine@pathpointfellowship.com
+ How do I stay connected?
You can stay connected to us by following us on social media, downloading our app from the app store, with the Youversion app, or by recieving text updates by texting keywords to the number 71441 For church updates "Pathpoint" / Jr High and High School "connected" / Children's "Pathpointkids"